Acupuncture is a safe and effective holistic form of health care that is complimentary to and integrates very well with modern medicine.
It is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Practitioners of Chinese medicine have used this noninvasive method to diagnose and help millions of people get well and stay healthy for thousands of years.
Best Way to Reach Us
The best and fastest way to reach me so that we can have a discussion as soon as possible is to pick up the phone and call me directly at: 856-751-8908. If I don’t answer, leave me a detailed message with the best time of day to be able to reach you. I check my telephone messages frequently throughout the day and I will get back to you as quickly as I possibly can. I look forward to helping you start or increase your family.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture is the insertion of ultra-thin, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points on the body which reside on channels or meridians; these are pathways in both the exterior and interior of the body. These points, when needled, can stimulate as well as regulate the way energy flows and therefore improve the way the body functions overall. It basically is a way to stimulate the body’s own incredibly strong natural defense/immune, healing and repair abilities. It can also promote feelings of well-being and improved emotional health. It is a safe and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
Acupuncture Is Not An Instant Fix
Acupuncture can stimulate a lot of positive and sometimes even amazing things to happen for a person’s health. However, it rarely happens from just one treatment or even just a few treatments. It is very important to follow a treatment plan designed for your specific pain, injury, illness or other physiological dysfunction.
During your initial telephone consultation, we will be able to give you an answer as to whether or not we think we will be able to help you with any specific issue and how many treatments we think it will take to be able to help you. Acupuncture treatments stimulate your body to help itself in a totally natural, non-invasive, drug free way. It can be very effective but it takes time.
What Will My Acupuncturist Do?
Once you have decided to come to the Center for treatment, we will schedule your first appointment which will be 2 hours long. If you are coming for the treatment of an internal illness or dysfunction such as infertility, during the first hour we will start out by reviewing your primary reason (or Chief Complaint) for coming. You will be asked for the details of any medical diagnosis or treatments or procedures you have already received for that specific condition. Then it will take an additional 45 minutes to ask you questions about every other aspect of your overall state of health and emotional and physical well-being.
The answers to those questions along with the medical information you provide will present a picture of your overall health and any underlying imbalance that may exist in your body which is causing your chief complaint. Other issues that represent your body not functioning quite as well as it should are also part of the imbalance. All the little as well as bigger things that you are experiencing are symptoms or signs of something not functioning correctly in your body. They represent a pattern that from a Chinese medical point of view shows the state of balance in your body or the state of imbalance in your body. When you are treated, we will be treating the pattern of imbalance that exists which will improve the functioning of your entire body including your chief complaint.
After the intake process is completed and we are done talking, you will receive your first acupuncture treatment. All follow-up appointments will be one hour long.
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